
How to setup the MEANJS with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

How to install Node.js in Ubuntu 14.04

How Javascript closure works inside a loop?

What are Javascript closures? Explain with basic example.

PHP arrays are pass by value or pass by value?

Does PHP session work when cookie is disabled?

How the value change in parent scope reflects inside the closure?

Javascript inheritance with basic example

File upload does not work without enctype="multipart/form-data"

How Javascript Encapsulation is possible?

What is prototype in Javascript? Explain prototype with a basic example

What is Javascript closures? Explain closures with basic example

How the keyword this works in Javascript? Explain it with basic example

Difference between SOAP and REST for Web services

What will happen if $_GET and $_POST has same variable when submitting form?

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in PHP

Binary search in PHP using divide and conquer algorithm (recursively)

Binary search in PHP using divide and conquer algorithm

What are the real World problems that can be solved using divide and conquer algorithm

What are the real World problems that can be solved using graph data structure

HTML and CSS related interview questions

Why the salted hashes are more secure for password hashes?

Why spl_autoload_register is preferred for auto loading classes?

Print prime numbers using Javascript functional approach

When the PHP constructor should be private?

How to change the height of a div based on another div's content using CSS?

What is singleton design pattern? Where singleton design pattern can be applicable?