How to setup the MEANJS with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Step 1

Before you begin, you should make sure you have installed all these prerequisites on your development machine.

Node.js & npm
Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager, if you encounter any problems, you can also use this Github Gist to install Node.js.
Download & Install MongoDB, and make sure it's running on the default port (27017).
You're going to use the Bower Package Manager to manage your front-end packages, in order to install it make sure you've installed Node.js and npm, then install bower globally using npm:
$ npm install -g bower
You're going to use the Grunt Task Runner to automate your development process, in order to install it make sure you've installed Node.js and npm, then install grunt globally using npm:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Step 2

Get the MEAN.JS from the git repository using the following command:
git clone meanjs

Step 3

Now install all the dependencies using the following command:
npm install

Step 4

Now reinstall the front-end dependencies using the following command:
sudo bower install --allow-root

Step 5

Now run your app using the following command:
sudo grunt --force

Step 6

Access your app by typing the following URL in the browser address bar:
