The biggest advantage of spl_autoload_register is that it allows multiple autoloader functions at a time. Ultimately it creates a queue of autoloader functions and then it runs through each of them in the order they are defined.
In the project if a framework code or other third party libraries have their own autoloader functions and user tries to use spl_autoload_register on top it this. In this case it will not conflict as spl_autoload_register allows multiple autoload functions.
So no worry about conflicts when using spl_autoload_register.
In the project if a framework code or other third party libraries have their own autoloader functions and user tries to use spl_autoload_register on top it this. In this case it will not conflict as spl_autoload_register allows multiple autoload functions.
So no worry about conflicts when using spl_autoload_register.
Basic spl_autoload_register code snippet
function __autoload_class($class){ include_once $class.'.php'; } spl_autoload_register('__autoload_class');
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