http protocol related interview questions for web developers

http related interview questions

  1. What type of protocol is http and why?
  2. How the access-control-allow-origin http header works?
  3. How we can do basic authentication using http?
  4. What are http cache related headers?
  5. What is MIME type in web development?
  6. What are the required http headers?
  7. What are safe and idempotent methods of http?
  8. How the Etag http headers works?
  9. What are the differencce between http1.1 and http2?
  10. Why set-cookie in the response header should not be cached?
  11. What is a http forward proxy and where we usually use it?
  12. What is a http reverse proxy and where we usually use it?
  13. What are the differences between forward and reverse proxy?

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