
API list for developers

Find element in a string of HTML using jQuery

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'settings' of undefined jquery validation

Lazy loading of Google double click for publisher tag

Exception thrown in event listener: "Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #articleboard/board1" Google dfp

Utility classes should not have public constructors

Use "Instant.truncatedTo" instead of DateUtils.truncate

jQuery validator remote method with dataFilter

Useful resource for Google page index and SEO

How to convert string to integer in velocity template?

How to SSH to AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance from ubuntu

Requirement not upgraded as not directly required issue installing awsebcli in Ubuntu

ImportError: cannot import name main while installing EB cli for AWS beanstalk

Get article's parent page main column teaser layout in velocity template in polopoly

Page related velocity utility in Polopoly CMS

How to make varnish 3.0 as a service on Ubuntu 16.04

Varnish cache related interview questions for developers

How to solve org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean?

Ubuntu service runs without exit and times out at the end.

Create JBoss 4.0.5 as service on Ubuntu 16.04 version

Check a DOM element is visible on screen or not using jQuery

http protocol related interview questions for web developers

Health related articles in Bangla

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in Java and possible reasons and solutions

JavaScript related useful articles from

Error initializing Velocity while setting up Polopoly CMS front server

How to get all integer numbers from a string using JavaScript?

Split string using strtok in C based on a delimieter

How to write and call a subroutine in varnish

Panic message: Assert error in http_IsHdr() with varnish version 3.0

Make SSL with Let's Encrypt for Spring-Boot application running with Nginx

Useful resources of database normalization

PHP interview questions for php developers