It's always great to have the relational data in the development phase of a project. The rails applications those are hosted on heroku cloud can easily get the relational data from database. Following are the commands to get the database dump from heroku.
Setp 1: First of all start creating a dump of the database in production using the following command:
Step 2: load the database dump that you have created on production:
If it complains about the app is missing then we need to specify the app name inside the command like below:
Setp 3: Once the database dump is downloaded we can easily inject it to the database using the following command:
Following the heroku documentation for getting postgres database backup to local environment.
Heroku Postgres Backups
Setp 1: First of all start creating a dump of the database in production using the following command:
heroku pg:backups capture
Step 2: load the database dump that you have created on production:
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url`(do it inside the project directory)
If it complains about the app is missing then we need to specify the app name inside the command like below:
curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url --app <appname>`
Setp 3: Once the database dump is downloaded we can easily inject it to the database using the following command:
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U USERNAME -d DATABASENAME latest.dump
Following the heroku documentation for getting postgres database backup to local environment.
Heroku Postgres Backups
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